
“Women in time to come will do much”. -Ven. Mary Ward

Maxims of Mary Ward

Be diligent to yourself fit for all occupations and offices.

The true children of this company shall accustom themselves to act not out of fear but solely from love.

The best way to wear troubles with equanimity is to thank God heartly for them.

Prize your honour higher than your life.

Show yourself at all times glad and cheerful for almighty God loves a cheerful giver.

It is impossible to serve and the world at the same time.

Do not let the foolish world persuade you.

If you show service to anyone, do it willingly.

If we see a fault in our neighbor, we should certainly dislike the fault, but not the person.

Strive more to merit the praise and love of others then to receive it.

We should diligently to try to give a good example to everyone.

Do good and do it well.

Timed person will never ascend very high in the path of virtue, nor work anything great.

Those who wish to do what they ought not, will afterwards have to do what they wish not.

A selfish person thinks usually only how she can enrich herself.

Be diligent to root out thy vices, but not to hide them.

He who would be rich in virtues, must neglect no opportunities of exercising them.

To say what is not in your heart is deceit, and to say all which is in your heart is folly.

Love and speak the truth at all time.

Show yourself as you are, and be what you show yourself.

Whatever uprightness you have, so much have you of other virtues also.

Though no one sees us, fulfil your duties carefully and faithfully.

Listen willingly to good counsel.

If you render service to anyone, do it cheerfully and willingly.

If anyone gives you trouble, meet him/her with friendly words.

If we see a fault in our neighbour, we should certainly dislike the fault, but not the person.

Be courteous towards each other.

Love all, but love them not on your own account, but for God.

Your conversation shall at all times be such that all who hear it may derive profit.

Do not have a divided heart, for in that case you will be left by both God and man.

Undertake no work which you cannot hope to complete with honour.

Virtue is only hard to those who hold it to be such.

Never look upon yourself as the conqueror unless you have overcome yourself.

Be diligent to root out your vices, but not to hide them.

If your opinion is asked, say it frankly, and do not trouble yourself what the end will be.

Be discreet and not overhasty in your speech.

To say what is not in your heart is deceit, and to say all which is in your heart is folly.

Whoever has received from God a good Nature, use them to good end.

Let no day go by, in which you do not heroically conquer yourself.

Whatever uprightness you have, so much of other virtues you have.

The ways of virtue endure no standing still; she who does not go forward, goes back.

Do not put aside your resolutions when you can fulfill them.

Your everlasting happiness may depend upon the present moment.

Make use of every opportunity which God gives you for your spiritual progress.

The spirit of God brings peace and serenity.

Diligently please God during your life.

Neither Life Nor Death, My God, But your Holy will be ever done in me.

Exercise yourself daily in the love of God.

Strive to be wholly lost in God's love.

Give yourself entirely to your Creator

Always strive hard to fulfill the 'Will of God in every work.

The true children of God shall accustom themselves to act out of love.

The best way to bear troubles with equanimity is to thank God heartily for them.

Prize your honour higher than your life.

We ought to work and suffer for God.

Allow God to make use of you according to His good food pleasure.

A heroic spirit is a great advantageous to virtue.

Our greatness consists in this, that we have free and open access to God.

Rejoice always that the WILL OF GOD' should be done in you.

Desire nothing which is contrary to God and your conscience.

Do not bury your talents, which God has lent you.

For to those who love God, nothing is hard to perform.

Satisfy yourself with nothing which is less than God.

Remain steadfast in the service of God until your death.

First seek the Kingdom of God and His Justice.

Divine love is like fire, which will not let itself be shut up.

lt is impossible to love God and not to labour to extend his honour.

Show yourself at all times glad and joyful.

Almighty God loves a cheerful giver.

In all our doings, seek to please God.

The spirit of God is not ill-mannered, but teaches all courteousness.

Trust in God, only then He can bestow His blessings and gifts upon us.

Thank God if something sweet and pleasant happens to you.

Once you know the WILL OF GOD set aside all self-love and fulfill it perfectly.

Be not content to appear good in the eyes of men only.

Strive to be good in God's eyes.

Stand up zealously for whatever touches God and His honour.

We ought to seek God alone in our works and studies.