
“Women in time to come will do much”. -Ven. Mary Ward

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We are a group of religious women of the Nepal Region, which is one of the 13 Provinces / Regions belonging to the Congregation of Jesus . This International Congregation was founded by Mary Ward in 1609. Although we live in different communities in different parts of the world, nevertheless, we belong directly and primarily to the apostolic body of the whole C.J. family with its Headquarters in Rome.

Vision of the Congregation of Jesus in Nepal

We the sisters of the Congregation of Jesus, following the Charism of our Foundress Venerable Mary Ward, engage in all apostolic activities, such as Education- formal and non -formal, Health, Women Empowerment, Social Work and all other good activities. We resolve to live in communities joyfully, living Jesus' Culture, respecting one another's uniqueness and commit ourselves fully to the mission of the Region.

Friends of Mary Ward

Friends of Mary Ward

Friends of Mary Ward (FMW) in Nepal started in 2016 during the Regional Leadership of Sr. Marilyn CJ and was initiated by Sr. Vinita CJ. Guidelines were drafted, and in all our CJ schools, the movement was started not as a club but as a spiritual movement. It is started for both staff and students. Now, more than 100 staff members and 4 student units containing around 250 students are involved.

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JPIC( Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation )

The Congregation of Jesus (CJ), has a rich history of commitment to justice, peace, and the integrity of creation (JPIC). This commitment is deeply rooted in the congregation's mission and charism, inspired by Mary Ward's vision of a just and inclusive society. As Mary Ward women, we aim to further Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) in a specific Mary Ward way – that is, in accordance with the charism of the Just Soul and its defining virtues of freedom, justice, sincerity and felicity (joy) which speak so powerfully to issues of JPIC and their integral nature in all aspects of mission and ministry. The history of JPIC in the Congregation of Jesus in Nepal reflects a continuous and evolving commitment to creating a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world, inspired by the vision of Mary Ward and grounded in the values of the Gospel. To learn more, please visit our JPIC website, established by Congregation Jesu (CJ) and Institute of the Blessed Virgin

Mary (IBVM):

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Friends of Mary Ward