
“Women in time to come will do much”. -Ven. Mary Ward

Contact Us

Phone Numbers

Regional Superiors: 00977/9851108933

Community: 00977/01/5424848

School: 00977/5424848

Formation House: 00977/01/5174069

Region Address

St.Mary's Residence

Congregation of Jesu - Nepal Region


GPO 8975, EPC 481 Kathmandu, Nepal

Formation House: Address

St.Mary's Training Center Candidates' House


Kitnee, Godavari

GPO 8975, EPC 481 Kathmandu, Nepal


How do you begin as a member of the CJ?

To become a member of the Congregation of Jesus (CJ), a religious congregation with a mission-oriented focus and rooted in Mary Ward spirituality, you would typically follow a discernment process and engage in formation programs. Here are steps you can take to pursue membership:

  • Prayer and Discernment: Begin by deepening your prayer life and discerning whether you feel called to religious life within the CJ congregation. This involves seeking guidance through prayer, spiritual direction, and reflection on your desires and talents
  • Research and Contact: Learn more about the Congregation of Jesus, its charism, mission, and spirituality, particularly its Mary Ward tradition. You can reach out to the congregation directly to express your interest and to obtain more information about the process of becoming a member.
  • Come and See Programs: Congregation of Jesus in Nepal has a formation house located in the beautiful hills of Godawari. This house is open to all those who aspire to become a member of the Congregation of Jesus. The invitation to the aspiring young girls is 'Come and see”. This is an invitation for young girls who are seeking their vocation. We provide opportunities for them to spend time with members of the congregation, learn about their way of life, engage in prayer and reflection, and ask questions. The young girls can come and stay with us and see and experience the life of a religious.
  • Vocational Retreats and Discernment Workshops: Attend vocational retreats, discernment workshops, and other events organized by the CJ congregation or similar groups. These experiences can offer further insight into religious life and help you discern whether it is the right path for you.
  • Formation Process: If you feel called to pursue membership in the Congregation of Jesus after discernment, you would typically enter into a formal formation process. This process involves periods of initial formation candidacy, postulancy and novitiate during which you deepen your understanding of the congregation's spirituality, mission, and way of life.
  • Temporary Vows: After completing the initial formation period, you may be invited to profess temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, committing yourself to live according to the charism and values of the congregation for a specified period (typically several years).
  • Final Vows: Following a period of temporary vows and further discernment, you may have the opportunity to profess final, perpetual vows, binding yourself to the Congregation of Jesus for life.

Throughout this process, it's essential to maintain open communication with the vocations director or formation team of the Nepal CJ congregation, as well as with your spiritual director or mentor. They can provide guidance, support, and discernment as you continue on your journey toward religious life.